There are many times in our lives when we will need a second phone number for some reason. For example – dating, work or just to have a convenient and safe private number to use for private calling.When you first start to date a person, you do not know how the relationship will go. It may… Read more Second Phone Number for Private Calling
Category: Cyber Security
How to stop people right clicking and saving your photos in a chat?
While chatting apps make it easy to share with friends, we are finding ourselves losing control of our privacy. You may send a personal text to your colleague a by a slip of hand. A personal photo that you send to your best friend may end up going viral the next day: either your friend… Read more How to stop people right clicking and saving your photos in a chat?
Top 5 Steps to Avoid Having Compromising Photos of You Published Online
Teacher’s Phone Stolen, Nude Pictures Leaked; Administrators Blame Teacher. This shocking headline is a real story happened to Anne Arthur, a math teacher. Every day there are people waking up to find their personal and very intimate pictures, or videos, published online on for all to see. Their stories and situations are heartbreaking. Almost always… Read more Top 5 Steps to Avoid Having Compromising Photos of You Published Online
What is A Burner Phone and How Does it Work?

Most people first hear about burner phones – cheap prepaid mobiles intended for temporary use – probably while watching a crime drama. But the truth is, it has a lot of useful features you hadn’t thought of. This is for you to reveal what a burner phone really is and why you might need it… Read more What is A Burner Phone and How Does it Work?
How to Keep Your Message Notifications Private With CoverMe
Sending a text message is a simple, quick, convenient and popular way to communicate. When there is an incoming SMS or an incoming message from other messaging apps, our phone will show a notification preview. The preview may include who the message is from, or even some details of the messages. The notification preview can… Read more How to Keep Your Message Notifications Private With CoverMe
How to Protect Personal Privacy in the Age of Internet
The fight between Apple and the FBI over privacy ended in an unexpected way with FBI finding a way to unlock an iPhone without help from Apple, allowing the agency to withdraw its legal effort to compel the tech company to assist in a mass-shooting investigation. Apple’s battle with FBI seems to be over; however,… Read more How to Protect Personal Privacy in the Age of Internet